Exhibition: A day at the sea

Opening hours: without appointment!
Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri: 10.00 to 12.00
The and Thu: 17.00 to 20.00
Sundays: 11.00 to 13.00 – there I am also on site!
Other times: Appointment: 02305 / 96 79 267 or buergerhaus@castrop-rauxel.de
12 people are allowed in the gallery at the same time, but we have enough space in front of the gallery to bridge the time with distance if necessary.
If you are interested in a personal tour with the artist, please make an appointment by e-mail.
Email: art@sophiakuehn.de
Community Center Gallery
Leonhardstrasse 4
44575 Castrop-Rauxel
Press releases:
The current hygiene regulations must be observed. Masks are mandatory inside the building.

Sophia Kühn
The vast horizon, sea, sky, tides, colors, light: I find the constant changes very inspiring. I am overwhelmed by the beauty of the coastal environment. But with my pictures I also show my inner self. With some of the subjects you feel far away from everything, with others you feel in the middle of the action. Sometimes happy, sometimes angry, sometimes melancholic.